Thashy Service Legal Documentations

Contractual Conditions for the "Thashy" Service

venerdì 27 gennaio 2023

The following definitions apply in the following text:

  • Thashy is the platform used for the generation of Artwork(s);

  • User is the person who accesses the Thashy site to generate an Artwork within a campaign;

  • Promoter is the person who organised the campaign, Carlo Rizzi, Via Damiano Chiesa 5 Tax code RZZCRL79D16H620V VAT no. 02541160228;

  • Artwork is an image generated by Thashy's artificial intelligence as an elaboration of an image chosen by the user from those available within the campaign.

The User accessing the service enters into a contract with the Promoter whereby the Promoter agrees to

a) send to the email address indicated by the user an Artwork generated by Thashy

b) generate a different Artwork for each user, thus guaranteeing the uniqueness of the Artwork

c) guarantee to the user the free use of the Artwork for the entire duration of the contract

d) guaranteeing to have all rights in relation to the published images and generated Artwork(s)

The User agrees to

a) give the Promoter an e-mail address belonging to him, where he will receive the link to access the Artwork generated

b) allow the Promoter to use the e-mail address to send the personal link and, subsequently, to inform him of any publication of the Artwork assigned (there is no use of the e-mail address for advertising purposes except with the express consent of the user)

c) recognise that the ownership of the generated Artwork is always attributable to the Promoter

d) abstain from any professional use and/or commercial exploitation of the generated Artwork.

The User declares that he/she has his/her residence and/or place of business in the territory of the Italian Republic.

The contract does not provide for any monetary payment by the user; the only consideration for the service is the provision of his/her e-mail address.

The contract has a duration of 10 years; either party may terminate it by simple communication by e-mail to the other party. The termination of the contract effects, on the one hand, the cancellation of the User's e-mail address by the Promoter, on the other hand, the loss of the availability of the Artwork in favour of the User.


The data controller is Carlo Rizzi, Via Damiano Chiesa 5 Tax code RZZCRL79D16H620V VAT no. 02541160228

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) of the owner can be contacted at

The only data requested from you is your e-mail address. The provision of this data is necessary in order to be able to conclude the contract and thus obtain the agreed Artwork. If the data is not provided, the contract cannot be concluded.

The purpose of processing the data is the participation in the campaign organised by the data controller as promoter. The use of the e-mail address for advertising purposes is not envisaged.

The processing of the data is legitimate in the execution of the contract concluded between the user (data subject) and the promoter (data controller).

The data is disclosed to third parties, in particular the owner of the Thashy platform; third parties may use the data only in the interest of the owner and for the purposes stated above.

The data is stored for a period of 10 years from the conclusion of the contract, except in the case of early termination of the contract.

The following link lists your rights, which you can exercise by contacting the data controller

In the event of a violation, you can always lodge a complaint with the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali based in Rome.

By entering and confirming the e-mail address, the user declares that he/she accepts the contractual conditions for the Thashy service and that he/she has read the privacy information.